An unforgettable night
An unforgettable night
The launch of Zyrcled at La Fira de Villarroel
Last October 24th, Zyrcled celebrated a spectacular launch event at La Fira de Villarroel Discotheque, which stood out for its diversity and inclusivity. In a magical night, it was demonstrated that love and relationships have no age or gender. People of all ages, from 20 to 60 years old, enjoyed a space where the only premise was to have fun and have a good time.
Our ambassadors, Alejandra Castelló and Eva Moreno, made this party an unforgettable experience. Alejandra, as the image and soul of the event and Eva with her tapersex stand that captured the attention of all attendees. Upon arrival, guests received colored bracelets according to their intentions: red for not connecting and green or orange for those seeking interaction. They also participated in an exciting raffle thanks to brands like @lacannelledemartini, @femmelionne_, @tapersexoficial, and @northpoint_friends.
The night was full of surprises, with Italian restaurant @spaccanapolibcn delighting attendees with freshly made pizzas, a tattoo booth, and a delicious artisan cake from La Cannelle de Martini at midnight. The party was a resounding success, bringing together app users, friends, actors, singers and influencers.
From Zyrcled, we extend our thanks to everyone who made this celebration possible, to every attendee and to our valuable collaborators. This event marks the beginning of many more successes, thank you for being part of this amazing community!
You can follow us on Instagram and watch the video of the party at this link.