Zyrcled receives its first recognition at the “9a Nit de l’Emprenedoria Vicentina”.
Zyrcled receives its first recognition at the 9th Nit de l’Emprenedoria Vicentina (9th Night of Vicentine Entrepreneurship)
In an event held last Thursday at the emblematic Molí dels Frares, Zyrcled has been awarded with the second prize in the category of ‘Projecte emprenedor’ during the 9a Nit de l’Emprenedoria Vicentina in Sant Vicenç dels Horts. This recognition highlights the uniqueness and commitment of Zyrcled as an application designed by women, where female safety, respect, consent and freedom from judgments and taboos are its fundamental pillars.
The evening brought together various personalities, including the mayor, Miguel Comino, and the councilor for Economic Promotion, Xavi Gómez, who showed their support for local initiatives. Attendees enjoyed the conference “Emprenedoria intel-ligent: Com la AI pot transformar el teu negoci”, given by Jordi Gillué Díez, expert in artificial intelligence and automation, and CEO of Swim No Limits.
The recognition of Zyrcled at this prestigious event is a testament to the positive impact the app is making in the area of female empowerment and innovation in the dating world. This award drives Zyrcled’s commitment to continue to grow and promote a safe and respectful space for all women.
From here, we extend our sincere gratitude to the event organizers and everyone who has supported Zyrcled on its path to success. This is just the beginning of an exciting journey towards transforming personal interactions – thank you for being part of our story!