Rules for uploading photos and videos on Zyrcled

To ensure a safe and respectful experience for all our users, we have established the following rules for uploading photos and videos to our app. Please read these rules carefully before uploading any content.


Prohibition of explicit content in public areas of the app.

Uploading photos or videos containing nudity or pornography of any kind is not allowed in the public areas of the app.

Content depicting violence, aggressive attitudes or any form of abuse is strictly prohibited.

Protection of minors

It is strictly forbidden to upload photos or videos that include minors (persons under 18 years of age), regardless of the context.


Respect and consent

You are only allowed to upload your own content or content for which you have the explicit consent of all persons appearing in it.

It is not allowed to upload content that may be offensive, humiliating or disrespectful to other users.


Rules for private photos

Nudity and sensual content

In the private photos section, users can upload nude photos and videos, as long as they comply with the rules of respect and consent.

All private content must be appropriately marked as such and will be accessible only to users authorized by the uploader.



Private photos and videos should be kept confidential and should not be shared outside the platform without the consent of the person who uploaded them.


Moderation and compliance

Content review

Zyrcled reserves the right to review and moderate all content uploaded to the platform to ensure compliance with these rules.

Consequences of noncompliance

Any violation of these rules may result in the removal of the content and the suspension or deletion of the offending user’s account.

In cases of serious violations, such as the uploading of illegal content, Zyrcled will take appropriate legal action.


Thank you for your collaboration and for contributing to make Zyrcled a safe and respectful space for everyone.